Kering share



Kering share

All information about the Kering share (characteristics, real-time quotes, dividend history).

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Share information

Update on 02/04/2025

Stock market

Euronext Paris


Eurolist Compartment A (Large Caps)

Initial public offering

October 25, 1988

(Second Market)

Main indices

CAC 40

(since February 9, 1995)


(since September 24, 2018)

Market capitalisation (12/31/2024)


Number of shares (12/31/2024)


Main shareholders

Artémis (42.3% of share capital as of 12/31/2024)


ISIN code: FR 0000121485

Reuters code: PRTP.PA

Bloomberg code: KER:FP


Société Générale Securities Services


32, rue du champ de tir - CS 30812

44308 Nantes Cedex 3 – France

+33 (0)2 51 85 67 89

(Monday to Friday, from 9.30 am to 6.00 pm Paris time)

share price


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Dividend per share
Interim dividend
Balance of the dividend

*pending AGM approval, held on April 24 2025

update on 02/11/2025
Dividend for financial year 2024

In its February 10, 2025, meeting, Kering’s Board of Directors resolved to ask shareholders to approve a cash dividend of €6.00 per share at the Annual General Meeting to be held on April 24, 2025, to approve the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2024. 

An interim dividend of €2.00 per share was paid on January 16, 2025. 

If approved, a final dividend of €4.00 will be paid on May 7, 2025, on positions determined on the evening of May 6, 2025. The ex-date for the final dividend payment will be the morning of May 5, 2025.


Indicative Agenda - Balance of the dividend:

May 5, 2025: ex-date  
May 6, 2025 (end of day): record date  
May 7, 2025: payment of the dividend

To be eligible for the dividend, shareholders must hold at least one Kering share on the record date.

The dividend is automatically paid, without any specific required procedure from the shareholder.

1. For holders of administered registered shares and bearer shares, your financial intermediary will credit your account according to the number of shares you own.

2. For holders of ordinary registered shares, Société Générale Securities Services will send to you a letter-check or will wire the amount to your bank account on the date the dividend is paid.


Dividend for financial year 2023


The dividend per share for 2023 financial year amounted to €14.00, on which €9.50 per share was paid on May 6, 2024, in addition to the interim dividend of €4.50 paid on January 17, 2024.


Last update: February 11, 2025