




2020年,开云集团通过“跃动她影”项目支持法国文化部于2018年发起的Elles X Paris Photo艺术展。展会汇集众多画廊和出版商,漫步其中,随处可见艺术“珍宝”,带来无限惊喜。展会于每年11月举行,届时“跃动她影”将在这一具有全球影响力的活动中彰显女性摄影师做出的贡献。了解开云集团“跃动她影”项目与巴黎国际摄影艺术展的合作。

开云集团“跃动她影”(Women In Motion)携手2024巴黎国际摄影艺术展(Paris Photo),彰显女性摄影师风采
2024年,第27届巴黎国际摄影艺术展(Paris Photo)在法国巴黎大皇宫(Grand Palais)再次拉开帷幕。11月7日至10日,展会将汇集画廊、艺术家、机构、策展人、记者、收藏家和摄影爱...
Women In Motion: dedicating november 2023 to women photographers
The month of November sees Paris celebrate photography. Discover the range of events and initiatives...
Women In Motion: photography events in November 2022
Traditionally dedicated to photography, November in Paris provides an opportunity to (re)discover ar...

开云集团“跃动她影”(Women In Motion)携手2024巴黎国际摄影艺术展(Paris Photo),彰显女性摄影师风采

2024年,第27届巴黎国际摄影艺术展(Paris Photo)在法国巴黎大皇宫(Grand Palais)再次拉开帷幕。11月7日至10日,展会将汇集画廊、艺术家、机构、策展人、记者、收藏家和摄影爱好者。今年,“跃动她影”再次对这一国际盛会给予支持。

“跃动她影”再度支持Elles x Paris Photo

开云集团通过“跃动她影”项目支持法国文化部于2018年发起的Elles X Paris Photo艺术展,提高女性艺术家在巴黎国际摄影艺术展(Paris Photo)的参展比例。合作多年来,女性艺术家参展比例从20%增至38%。连续第五年,“跃动她影”与巴黎国际摄影艺术展(Paris Photo)继续开展合作,彰显女性摄影师风采。
 本届Elles X Paris Photo艺术展由Rouen Normandie摄影中心总监及前耶尔艺术节(Festival de Hyères)总监拉斐尔·斯托潘(Raphaëlle Stopin)策展。

“跃动她影”扩大影响力,在巴黎国际摄影艺术展(Paris Photo)为四家画廊提供支持

除了支持Elles x Paris Photo艺术展,开云集团“跃动她影”项目还将继续致力于展现女性摄影师风采。今年,巴黎国际摄影艺术展(Paris Photo)首次直接支持四家画廊,助力举办个展和群展。


Martini & Ronchetti画廊

Martini & Ronchetti画廊于1969年在意大利热那亚成立,当时名为Galleria Pourquoi Pas,主要展出20世纪先锋派国际艺术家的作品。本届巴黎国际摄影艺术展(Paris Photo),该画廊展出意大利摄影师莉塞塔·卡米(Lisetta Carmi)的作品。

Lisetta Carmi 

莉塞塔·卡米于1924年生于热那亚的一个中产阶级犹太家庭。1938年,逃亡到瑞士。二战结束后,回到意大利,毕业于米兰音乐学院。在全球巡回演出多场音乐会后,卡米中断了音乐生涯,转而从事摄影工作,将镜头对准热那亚市中心的日常生活。卡米善于记录生活、捕捉人物肖像,足迹遍布撒丁岛、巴黎和拉丁美洲。其代表作品是《I Travestiti》(1972年),该作品记录了热那亚的变性人。2022年,卡米在意大利东南部小城奇斯泰尼诺(Cisternino)去世。


I travestiti, 1965, courtesy Martini & Ronchetti

Higher Pictures画廊

Higher Pictures画廊于2007年在纽约成立,2020年迁至布鲁克林,主要展出当代艺术家作品。其最新展览同时展出卡拉·威廉姆斯(Carla Williams)、苏珊·利珀(Susan Lipper)和贾妮丝·盖伊(Janice Guy)的摄影创作。 

Carla Williams

卡拉·威廉姆斯生于1965年,摄影师、档案管理员、编辑、作家,现居新奥尔良。曾撰写两本摄影史著作,其中一本为与德博拉·威利斯(Deborah Willis)合著的《The Black Female Body: A Photographic History》。威廉姆斯首部作品《Tender》于2023年经由TBW Books出版,同年荣获巴黎摄影-光圈基金会(Paris Photo–Aperture)第一本摄影书奖。2023年,举办在Higher Pictures画廊的首次个展。

Untitled (striped robe) #4.2
Courtesy the artist and Higher Pictures

Susan Lipper

苏珊·利珀出生于美国,1983年毕业于耶鲁大学。1988年至1992年间,利珀在纽约长大,间歇性居住在西弗吉尼亚州的一个小社区,采访拍摄当地居民。利珀打破了纪实摄影的传统,其摄影作品在展示另一个自我的同时,也赋予被拍摄者戏剧性。1994年,这组作品在伦敦摄影家画廊(Photographers’ Gallery)展出。同年,利珀出版了摄影专著《Grapevine》。此后,又相继出版《Trip》(1993-1999年)和《Domesticated Land》(2012-2016年),这三部作品构成了她在美国西部旅行的三部曲。

Untitled (Grapevine)

Janice Guy 

贾妮丝·盖伊生于伦敦。20世纪70年代,在德国杜塞尔多夫艺术学院(Kunstakademie Düsseldorf)学习期间开始创作自画像。这些经历使得盖伊在一次开创性的女性艺术家调查展——1877-1977国际女性艺术家展(Künstlerinnen Internationale 1877-1977)——获得了曝光机会。1979年,盖伊首次举办个展。此后几年,她在那不勒斯管理一家画廊。1998年,盖伊在纽约开设莫里·盖伊画廊(Murray Guy),一直经营至2017年。2007年,盖伊的摄影作品在纽约白柱空间(White Columns)策划的群展中再次亮相,之后又举办了多次个展。


Untitled, 1979

Sheila Pinkel

希拉·平克尔(Sheila Pinkel)于1941年生于弗吉尼亚。1977年毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校后,在波莫纳学院(Pomona College)担任艺术教授,任职近25年。在其职业生涯中,平克尔曾进行实验性的光线研究,随后开始探索纪实摄影,同时领导开展长期的社区项目,并对公共艺术产生了浓厚的兴趣。她经常为《Leonardo杂志》、《Afterimage》和《Heresies》杂志撰稿。自20世纪70年代末,Pinkel的作品得到广泛展出。

Folded Paper
c. 1974-1982


Monitor画廊由保拉·卡帕塔(Paola Capata)于2003年在罗马创立。作为一个旨在进行艺术实验的展览空间,Monitor画廊展示了伊丽萨·蒙特梭利(Elisa Montessori)的摄影艺术。

Elisa Montessori

伊丽萨·蒙特梭利(Elisa Montessori)是热那亚人(生于1931年)。1951年,蒙特梭利在意大利首都罗马举办了个人首次展览。自20世纪50年代,蒙特梭利通过极简主义镜头捕捉各种形式和风格,其作品融合了纯粹的抽象和传神的具象。她的创作围绕“积累”和“减法”的概念,探索两个世界的影响——将文化多元的西方与符号丰富的东方并置——以及联结女性与自然之间的内在联系。伊丽萨·蒙特梭利目前居于罗马。


Nadja Vilenne画廊


Nadja Vilenne画廊位于比利时列日,于1998年11月开业,代理比利时国内外约20位新兴艺术家和知名艺术家的作品。此次巴黎国际摄影艺术展(Paris Photo),该画廊将展出阿格拉娅·康拉德(Aglaia Konrad)的摄影作品。

Aglaia Konrad



Undecided Frames (Madrid, 2009)


Women In Motion: dedicating november 2023 to women photographers

The month of November sees Paris celebrate photography. Discover the range of events and initiatives Women In Motion promotes to shine a light on women photographers.

Women In Motion and Elles X Paris Photo

From November 9 to 12, photography takes over the Grand Palais Ephémère at the twenty-sixth edition of Paris Photo – the world’s leading photo fair and must-attend event for artists, institutions, curators, collectors and journalists, not forgetting photography lovers and enthusiasts.

For the fourth consecutive year, Women In Motion lends its support to Elles X Paris Photo. This art fair seeks to recognize women photographers and encourage exhibiting galleries to highlight these women artists through a selection of works and interviews. This year’s program was commissioned by Fiona Rogers, the inaugural Curator of the Parasol Foundation Women in Photography project at the Victoria and Albert Museum, aimed at supporting women in photography across acquisitions, commissions, displays and events. Rogers selected 38 artists, including Nan Goldin, Graciela Iturbide and Ishiuchi Miyako – shown at Kyotographie in April 2023, as part of a Kering-sponsored exhibition – as well as Laia Abril, Prix de la Photo Madame Figaro supported in 2016 by Women In Motion and Pixy Liao, Prix Jimei x Madame Figaro, also promoted by Kering’s program in 2018.


Producing a book to honor five years of support for women photographers 

To mark the fifth anniversary of the Elles x Paris Photo program, Éditions Textuel publishes ELLES, a work assembling the personal stories of artists selected over the years, not to mention insights from the curators involved in the initiative since its inception. The book showcases 130 contemporary photographers who share their voices and images, revealing the driving force behind their creations, their obsessions, their desires and their struggles while celebrating influential women photographers. Together with Women In Motion and the French Ministry of Culture, they have created a rich and inspiring fresco.  

Women In Motion honors Paz Errázuriz

Live from the Maison de l'Amérique Latine, Paz Errázuriz, Histoires Inachevées presents 120 of the Chilean photographer’s prints from 15 series including three previously published: Próceres (1983), Sepur Zarco (2016) and Ñuble (2019). The exhibition also houses her iconic series La Manzana de Adán, produced between 1982 and 1987.


Born in 1944 in Santiago (Chile), Paz Errázuriz has spent most of her career documenting people who live in a separate and even parallel universe. Captured often in confined spaces, Errázuriz explores the marginal existence of figures such as circus performers, wrestlers, transvestites and prostitutes, vagabonds and people with a mental illness. Her poetic black-and-white portraits serve to denounce social dictates, homing in on the marginalization that renders some segments of society invisible with a profound observation of the human condition, to the point of subverting the conventions of visual order.


This is Paz Errázuriz’s first major solo exhibition at a Paris cultural institution. Joining forces with Women In Motion, the event will publish the photographer’s first monograph published in French, with an English version, both edited by the Atelier EXB. In 2017, Errázuriz was awarded the Prix de la Photo Madame Figaro, an endeavor that also partners with Kering's in-house program.


Paz Errázuriz, Histoires Inachevées
September 8 till January 24, 2024
Commissioned by Béatrice Andrieux, an independent curator for contemporary art and photography
Maison de l'Amérique Latine
217 Boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris, France
Open Monday to Friday (10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.) and Saturdays (2:00 to 6:00 p.m.).
Free of charge. 

Women In Motion honors Julia Margaret Cameron

The Musée du Jeu de Paume plays host to Arresting Beauty: Julia Margaret Cameron, France’s first large-scale retrospective devoted to the British artist and precursor of modern-day photographers.


Julia Margaret Cameron was born in 1815, in Kolkata, into a well-to-do family dividing their time between England and India. She was first introduced to photography in 1864 at the age of 48, before embarking on a 12-year career. Strongly criticized at the time, Cameron’s style has since emerged as the hallmark of a visionary, revolutionizing photography as we know it. She rejected the sharp precision prised by her contemporaries, often including scratches, smudges and other traces of her artistic process on her negatives and prints. The exhibit unveils some one hundred captivating photographs, spanning Cameron’s early experiments, her historical and literary allegories, as well as an impressive gallery of contemporary portraits.


Julia Margaret Cameron would regularly create portraits of her niece, Julia Jackson, who became mother to a certain Adeline in 1882. Better known by her pen name, in 1926, Virginia Woolf published an account of her great-aunt. Endorsed by Women In Motion, a special one-off podcast was recorded for the exhibition. It features the French actress and film director Clémence Poésy who recounts Cameron's remarkable life through the words of Woolf. Happy listening! 


Julia Margaret Cameron: Arresting beauty 
October 10, 2023, to January 28, 2024
Musée du Jeu de Paume 
1, Place de la Concorde, 75001 Paris, France
Open Tuesdays (11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) and Wednesday to Sunday (11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.) 

Headlining women photographers

Lastly, November in the French capital is also a chance to admire large-format photographs by the late and brilliant Sabine Weiss.

Women In Motion staged an original poster campaign to showcase the Women In Motion Award winners for photography with their portraits and self-portraits adorning the walls of Paris’ 1st arrondissement. From September 2023 to February 2024, various works were exhibited at Rue du Louvre, reflecting each photographer’s unique perspective.

After magnifying the creations of the 2019 Award winner, Susan Meiselas, the stage is set for Sabine Weiss. 

Learn more.


Women In Motion: photography events in November 2022

Traditionally dedicated to photography, November in Paris provides an opportunity to (re)discover artists and works through many events. For the third consecutive year, Women In Motion supports the Elles X Paris Photo exhibition at the Grand Palais Ephémère. Kering also wished to hold events honoring the photographer Sabine Weiss, winner of the 2020 Women In Motion Award for Photography, who passed away at this time last year.

Women In Motion and Elles X Paris Photo

For the past three years, Women In Motion has supported Elles X Paris Photo, a selection of works and interviews by women photographers exhibited at the Paris Photo international art fair. Curated by Federica Chiocchetti, director of the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Le Locle, Switzerland, the 2022 exhibition comprises a selection of 77 photographic works, held at the Grand Palais Ephémère from November 10th to 13th, 2022. 

As part of this partnership, Women In Motion also supported a day of conversations on Thursday, November 10th, organized and presented by Federica Chiocchetti at the Grand Palais Ephémère.

Launched in 2018 in partnership with France’s Ministry of Culture, the Elles X Paris Photo circuit has been supported by Women In Motion since 2020. This itinerary through the show's aisles was designed as way to discover wonders, treasures and surprises from various galleries and publishers.


Honoring Sabine Weiss

Following the photographer’s death last year, Kering wished to honor the memory of Sabine Weiss, winner of the 2020 Women In Motion Award for Photography. On November 10th, the Group hosts a preview of Le Siècle de Sabine Weiss, a documentary directed by Camille Ménager and produced by Brotherfilms. This unique film reflects on the life of an artist who greatly influenced French humanist photography. The documentary was then  broadcast on the television channel France 5 in early 2023.

Kering is also lending its support to the publication of the latest special issue in the Women In Motion collection. This new edition, published by Fisheye, was available at newsstands and bookstores starting November 10th, 2022. 

Upon receiving her Award in 2020, Sabine Weiss recorded an episode for the Women In Motion podcast. In an interview with Géraldine Sarratia, she shared what first drew her to photography, and discussed her career in France and abroad as well as the challenges of being a woman in what, in the 1960s, was considered a man's industry. An enlightening discussion, worth many a listen! 

2020年,“跃动她影”与Elles x Paris Photo首次合作,受疫情影响举办线上艺术展。