Kering has issued a dual-tranche bond for a total of EUR 1.5 billion, consisting of
This issue, in line with the Group’s active liquidity management, enables Kering to enhance its funding flexibility through refinancing of existing debt and the partial financing of the Maui Jim acquisition.
The great success of this issue with investors underscores the market’s confidence in the credit quality of the Group. Kering’s long-term debt is rated “A” with a stable outlook by Standard & Poor's.
作为全球高端精品集团,开云汇聚一系列知名的时装、皮具及珠宝:古驰 (Gucci)、圣罗兰(Saint Laurent)、Bottega Veneta、巴黎世家(Balenciaga)、亚历山大麦昆 (Alexander McQueen)、布里奥尼 (Brioni)、宝诗龙 (Boucheron)、宝曼兰朵 (Pomellato)、都都 (Dodo)、Qeelin以及开云眼镜。开云以想象和创意作为其核心策略,致力驱动旗下品牌大胆创新,挑战极限,同时以可持续及负责任的商业模式,共同打造奢侈品行业的美好明天。这一理念也与集团信条“开创想象”相呼应。2021年,开云拥有超42,000 员工,总收入达176亿欧元。
Emilie Gargatte +33 (0)1 45 64 61 20 emilie.gargatte@kering.com
Marie de Montreynaud +33 (0)1 45 64 62 53 marie.demontreynaud@kering.com
Claire Roblet +33 (0)1 45 64 61 49 claire.roblet@kering.com
Laura Levy +33 (0)1 45 64 60 45 laura.levy@kering.com