The PPR Group is committed, on a European level, to the quality of life at works and prevention of work-related stress



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    • The PPR Group is committed, on a European level, to the quality of life at works and prevention of work-related stress

    The PPR Group is committed, on a European level, to the quality of life at works and prevention of work-related stress


    On the 27th July, the European Works Council and PPR Group management adopted a “Charter framework of commitments on quality of life at works and prevention of work-related stress”. PPR is thus one of the first French Groups to have, on a European level, a common framework of procedures and instruments to prevent psycho-social risks. This Charter applies to all of the Group’s companies in Europe.


    In difficult times, where renewed efforts are asked of everyone, the Group considers that, true to its principles of business conduct and practices, it is its duty and responsibility to make sure that its employees benefit from a motivating work environment fostering the development of the potential of all employees.


    Adopted on the 27th of July, the Charter marks the outcome of discussions which have been taking place for 8 months with the Group’s representative European labour organisations and is part of this step. It expresses the common will to share current good practices and policies of the various companies of the Group and use them as a reference, or even, if necessary, to complement them.


    Psycho-social risks cover occupational risks of various origins and natures. Each of the PPR Group companies will have to identify these according to their respective businesses and organisations. For this, they shall use as a reference one of the common definitions of stress held by the signatories: “the imbalance between the worker’s perception of the demands of the work environment and the worker’s perception of his/her ability to cope with them”. Their effects are not solely psychological in nature, but can also “affect the physical health, well-being and productivity of the worker experiencing it”. Furthermore, each company is expressly invited to integrate the economic cost and social impact of work-related stress into all of their analyses and actions.


    It is up to each company to construct or complement its own action plans around the 3 fundamental principles:


    1. Identifying and assessing factors of work-related stress, specific to their respective business and organisations.


    In accordance with European legislation, the indicators concern the organisation and work processes (notably the content of work tasks, workload and pace, degree of autonomy, match between workers’ skills and job requirements, corporate culture), working conditions and environment (notably the working environment and tools, social relations, career advancement), communication (notably uncertainty about what is expected at work, employment prospects, forthcoming changes) and a significant number of subjective factors linked to emotional and social pressures.


    2. Establish preventative measures to improve the quality of life at work and to reduce factors of work-related stress


    Among the preventative means and measures, what are especially important are the implementation of instruments and procedures of vigilance and alerts, and measures to enhance the awareness of personnel (employee information, training of managers), as well as the promotion of the reconciliation of personal life and professional life and the recognition of employees via career promotion.


    3. Informing and listening to employees


    PPR Group companies shall endeavour to obtain employees’ perceptions of their working environment and conditions by using tools providing for high quality communication.


    Among existing tools is the PPR employee opinion poll “What’s the weather like where you are?” which, since 2001, has been providing employees with the opportunity to express themselves anonymously. Nearly 10 years of feedback has allowed, year upon year, for the adjustment, reshaping and deepening of the various action plans implemented, and provides answers specific to the problematic of each company.


    The Charter will be transmitted to all of the Group’s employees in Europe in the following weeks, and will be implemented from November 2010. The commitments made within the framework of the Charter will be subject to regular monitoring within the European Works Council.


    About PPR


    PPR develops a portfolio of high-growth global brands. Through its Consumer and Luxury brands, PPR generated sales of €16.5 billion in 2009. With approximately 73,000 employees the Group is present in 59 countries. PPR shares are listed on Euronext Paris (FR 0000121485, PRTP.PA, PPFP).


    To explore the universe of PPR brands go to Fnac, Redcats Group (La Redoute, Vertbaudet, Somewhere, Cyrillus, Daxon, Ellos, The Sportsman’s Guide, The Golf Warehouse and brands of the plus-size division), Conforama, Puma and the Luxury brands of Gucci Group (Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, Boucheron, Sergio Rossi, Alexander McQueen and Stella McCartney).



    Charlotte Judet


    Cindy Germanaud

    +33 (0)1 45 64 65 06


    +33 (0)1 45 64 61 57




    Download the press release (.pdf 25.91 KB)