Kering awarded CDP 'Triple A' score for second consecutive year

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    • Kering awarded CDP 'Triple A' score for second consecutive year
    Monday, March 03, 2025

    Kering awarded CDP 'Triple A' score for second consecutive year

    For the second year in a row, Kering has been recognized on the prestigious CDP 2024 'Triple A' List, demonstrating the Group’s deep commitment to transparency and environmental leadership.

    Kering’s AAA rating across Climate Change, Forests and Water Security was based on a comprehensive questionnaire, with key achievements including: -12% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in absolute terms1 across total scopes 1, 2 and 3 of the GHG Protocol, - 7% decrease in water withdrawals in direct operations(1), and 97% traceability for key raw materials, including 98% traceability for leather(2).


    The Carbon Disclosure Project holds the largest environmental database in the world and its annual ratings are widely regarded as a benchmark for environmental responsibility, trusted by corporations, investors, and governments worldwide.


    A record 24,800+ organizations were scored by CDP in 2024. The CDP uses a detailed and independent methodology to assess these companies, allocating a score of A (leadership level) to D (disclosure level) based on the comprehensiveness of disclosure, awareness and management of environmental risks. In addition, the demonstration of best practice associated with environmental leadership, such as setting ambitious and meaningful targets, is included in the assessment.



    Variation in 2023 versus 2022

    2In 2023