Measuring our impact

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Measuring our impact

Kering bases its environmental actions on measuring its carbon footprint. By objectively assessing its impact using internal tools, such as its EP&L, and globally-recognized indicators, Kering can target its actions to best reduce its footprint.


Our EP&L

Kering has developed an innovative tool for measuring and quantifying the environmental impact of its activities. The Environmental Profit & Loss (EP&L) account is a key enabler of a sustainable business model, and one that Kering wishes to share with its peers in the Luxury industry and other sectors.
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Reporting and indicators

Kering uses an array of standards and indicators to ensure it is always striving toward the highest levels of economic, environmental, social, and ethical performance. A recognized leader in its industry, the Group publicizes its reports and the distinctions it receives from the main extra-financial rating organizations.
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Kering is regularly awarded and endorsed by financial and extra-financial rating agencies and NGOs in recognition of the Group's sustainability strategy.
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