Kering e il festival Sœurs Jumelles

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Kering e il festival Sœurs Jumelles

Lanciato nel 2021 da Julie Gayet, attrice e produttrice, Delphine Paul, direttrice marketing, ed Eric Débègue, editore e produttore musicale, il Festival Sœurs Jumelles fa dialogare musica e immagini attraverso incontri artistici, concerti e proiezioni. Women In Motion sostiene il Festival fin dalla sua nascita, una decisione dettata dall’impegno di Kering nel promuovere la questione della disuguaglianza di genere nell’industria dell’immagine e della musica, mettendo in mostra il lavoro delle creatrici e garantendo una maggiore rappresentazione delle donne nelle arti e nella cultura.

Women In Motion sostiene il Festival Sœurs Jumelles per la sua quarta edizione
Per il quarto anno consecutivo, Women In Motion sostiene il Festival Sœurs Jumelles, che si svolge a...
Women In Motion partners with Sœurs Jumelles 2023
Women In Motion proudly reaffirms its support for Sœurs Jumelles, which will take place from June 27...
Women In Motion, Music, and the Moving Image at the Sœurs Jumelles festival
For the second consecutive year, Women In Motion is proud to support the Sœurs Jumelles festival, a ...

Women In Motion sostiene il Festival Sœurs Jumelles per la sua quarta edizione

Per il quarto anno consecutivo, Women In Motion sostiene il Festival Sœurs Jumelles, che si svolge a Rochefort, in Francia, dal 25 al 30 giugno 2024. Cinque giorni di incontri artistici e professionali, concerti, proiezioni e anteprime per confrontarsi, informarsi e divertirsi. Questa edizione è anche l’occasione per Women In Motion, insieme al Festival e a Madame Figaro, di consegnare il suo primo Premio Talento Emergente per la musica e l’immagine. 

Il Festival Sœurs Jumelles & Women In Motion

Lanciato nel 2021 da Julie Gayet, attrice e produttrice, Delphine Paul, direttrice marketing, ed Eric Débègue, editore e produttore musicale, il Festival Sœurs Jumelles fa dialogare musica e immagini attraverso incontri artistici, concerti e proiezioni. 
Artisti e professionisti dell’industria cinematografica, dell’animazione e del documentario, ma anche della pubblicità, delle serie televisive, dei video musicali, dei videogiochi e della realtà virtuale, si confrontano con i loro omologhi del mondo della musica, e a 360°: musica sinfonica, elettronica, urban, jazz o contemporanea... 

Per tutta la durata del Festival, la città francese che ha fatto da sfondo al film Josephine (Les Demoiselles de Rochefort) accoglie anche il grande pubblico in luoghi d’eccezione, come la Corderie Royale e il Théâtre de la Coupe d’Or.

Women In Motion sostiene il Festival fin dalla sua nascita, una decisione dettata dall’impegno di Kering nel promuovere la questione della disuguaglianza di genere nell’industria dell’immagine e della musica, mettendo in mostra il lavoro delle creatrici e garantendo una maggiore rappresentazione delle donne nelle arti e nella cultura.


Un primo Premio Talento Emergente per la musica e l’immagine

Il Festival, Women In Motion e Madame Figaro hanno unito le forze per creare la prima borsa di studio per una cantautrice emergente. 
Sulla scia dei premi assegnati a personalità di spicco del cinema a Cannes e della fotografia ad Arles, Kering dimostra nuovamente la sua volontà di onorare e sostenere il talento femminile, questa volta in ambito musicale. 
E per incoraggiare la sorellanza e la trasmissione, la vincitrice del 2024 sarà invitata a partecipare alle delibere per l’edizione 2025 del premio Women In Motion Talento Emergente per la musica.


Consegna del Premio Talento Emergente per la musica e l’immagine al quarto Festival Sœurs Jumelles

Quest’anno il premio è assegnato alla cantautrice Solann sul palco del Théâtre de la Coupe d’Or la sera del 26 giugno.
La cerimonia di premiazione è seguita da una performance della vincitrice e da un Talk durante il quale dialoga con l’artista Keren Ann.

Dopo la cerimonia di premiazione e l’esibizione della vincitrice, si tiene una serata di concerti in omaggio alla cantante Dani, intitolata Amour toujours.

Women In Motion partners with Sœurs Jumelles 2023

Women In Motion proudly reaffirms its support for Sœurs Jumelles, which will take place from June 27 to July 1, 2023. Open to both the public and professionals, the five-day festival is a gathering place for sharing, discussion, learning and fun, encompassing a series of artistic talks, screenings and shows. Below, an overview of the events sponsored by Kering's program which seeks to spotlight women in culture and the arts.

Exploring cultural engagement at Sœurs Jumelles

2021 saw Women In Motion venture to Rochefort in support of Sœurs Jumelles, the then fledgling festival which is fronted by the actor and producer Julie Gayet with Delphine Paul in charge of marketing and Eric Débègue heading up music production. Catering to both public and professional audiences, Sœurs Jumelles aims to change perceptions and achieve gender equality in the industries of music and the moving image. In this spirit, the festival strives to champion the work of women artists as well as to encourage dialogue with decision-makers and work toward greater inclusivity.

With its shared determination to further improve parity and representation in these creative professions – and culture and the arts in general –, for the third consecutive year, Women In Motion decided to renew its commitment to the festival with Talks designed to aid in the fight against women's invisibility within music-related industries.




This year, Women In Motion sponsors the festival's special day event – "Toutes et tous à l’unisson" ("Uniting one and all") – taking place on June 27. A series of artistic talks, debates and shows will uncover the many challenges (artistic, financial, technological and societal) facing the music and moving image industries. 

What's more, on June 28, Women In Motion will extend its support to artistic talks at the Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or, featuring:
-    The author, composer, and singer, Emily Loizeau, and the journalist and filmmaker, Manon Loizeau;
-    Anne-Sophie Versnaeyen and Laetitia Pansanel-Garric, who are both film composers;
-    The actress, singer and director, Jeanne Balibar.

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About the Sœurs Jumelles festival

With its transversal approach, the “Sœurs Jumelles, Rencontre de la Musique et de l'Image” festival provides a shared space for artists of the moving image (cinema, animation, documentaries, advertising, series, videos, video games, VR, among other forms) and creators of music (classical, electronic, urban, jazz, contemporary, among other genres). To this end, Sœurs Jumelles offers a platform for discussion, information and collaboration on shared challenges.

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Women In Motion, Music, and the Moving Image at the Sœurs Jumelles festival

For the second consecutive year, Women In Motion is proud to support the Sœurs Jumelles festival, a celebration of music and images and a gathering place for professionals in related industries. As a platform that champions equal opportunity, Women In Motion reiterates its determination to promote greater recognition of women across creative and artistic fields.
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A Festival for One and All

Founded in 2021 by Julie Gayet, Delphine Paul and Eric Débègue, the Sœurs Jumelles festival celebrates music and the moving image. Universal and inseparable, these two languages are embodied by Delphine and Solange, the twin heroines of the 1967 Jacques Demy film The Young Girls of Rochefort

The Sœurs Jumelles festival will be open to the general public from June 22nd-25th, 2022. Its eclectic lineup offers nightly performances dedicated to different musical themes (by reservation only) and a series of concerts (free entry). Through panel discussions, debates, screenings and shows, the Sœurs Jumelles festival offers professionals in the industries of music and the moving image a forum for gathering and exploring the challenges of each sector, to foster collaboration — an essential aspect in a time of great change for two sectors that interact constantly.  


Improving women's representation in creative industries

Parity and representation across creative professions are among the great challenges facing culture and the arts in general. For this reason, Women In Motion is committed to supporting the Sœurs Jumelles festival for the second consecutive year, with Talks designed to aid in the fight against women's invisibility within music-related industries. 


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Highlights from Soeurs Jumelles festival (FR only)
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Women Composers Speak Out (FR only)

Featuring Audrey Ismaël, Julie Roué and Anne-Sophie Versnaeyen; moderated by Dominique Dalcan (singer-songwriter).

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Highlights from Soeurs Jumelles festival (FR only)
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Women Composers Speak Out (FR only)

Featuring Audrey Ismaël, Julie Roué and Anne-Sophie Versnaeyen; moderated by Dominique Dalcan (singer-songwriter).

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Highlights from Soeurs Jumelles festival (FR only)
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Women Composers Speak Out (FR only)

Featuring Audrey Ismaël, Julie Roué and Anne-Sophie Versnaeyen; moderated by Dominique Dalcan (singer-songwriter).

About the Sœurs Jumelles festival

With its transversal approach, the “Sœurs Jumelles, Rencontre de la Musique et de l'Image” festival provides a shared space for artists of the moving image (cinema, animation, documentaries, advertising, series, videos, video games, VR, among other forms) and creators of music (classical, electronic, urban, jazz, contemporary, among other genres). To this end, Sœurs Jumelles offers a platform for discussion, information and collaboration on shared challenges.


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