Kering open-sources new suite of industry-leading standards

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    • Kering open-sources new suite of industry-leading standards
    domenica 03 marzo 2019

    Kering open-sources new suite of industry-leading standards

    keringstandards News JAN 2018.jpg

    Following on from the open-sourcing of the Kering Standards a year ago, Kering has published a new suite of standards to add to them today. They encompass synthetics, silver, colored gemstones and silk and help establish a leadership precedent for Luxury and the fashion industry. Further, a number of the original standards have been updated to reflect growing interests and concerns in fashion, such as regenerative agriculture and ‘faux fur’, which can be unclear and complex.  Many of these do not have a broad consensus for sustainability best practices yet and, accordingly, Kering has defined standards that address the inherent issues and benefits around these materials and processes.


    As a whole, The Kering Standards for Raw Materials and Manufacturing Processes act as a guide for Kering’s suppliers to ensure compliance with Kering’s and its Houses’ environmental and social requirements. They have been developed in collaboration with third party experts and  NGOs, and are based on the latest scientific research as well as existing standards, legislation, best management practises and guidelines from different sectors. Aligned with Kering’s  ambitious sustainability strategy they are intended to enable the Group to attain its 2025 targets around traceability, social compliance, environmental protection, animal welfare and chemical use.


    “We are redesigning our business to continue to thrive and prosper sustainably into the future, while at the same time helping to transform the luxury sector and contributing to meet the significant social and environmental challenges of our generation.”


    Kering’s CEO and Chairman, François-Henri Pinault