The Earth Statement

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    mercoledì 06 marzo 2019

    The Earth Statement

    NEWS DD The earth statement.jpg

    With 88 days left before climate negotiations commence at COP21, Kering CEO François-Henri Pinault has signed the “Earth Statement” calling for the inclusion of 8 essential points in the international agreement to be signed in Paris this December.


    Written by 17 of the world’s leading scientists and economists, the Earth Statement outlines what needs to be achieved during COP21 if we are to provide the world with a decent chance of avoiding dangerous climate change. The first of the 8 essentials is a commitment to transition to a zero-carbon emission society by 2050, so as to limit global warming to below 2° Celsius.


    Join Kering, its B Team counterparts and other prominent leaders from the world's of business, politics, science and civil society by showing your support for the Earth Statement