Women In Motion partners with Sœurs Jumelles 2023

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Women In Motion partners with Sœurs Jumelles 2023

Women In Motion proudly reaffirms its support for Sœurs Jumelles, which will take place from June 27 to July 1, 2023. Open to both the public and professionals, the five-day festival is a gathering place for sharing, discussion, learning and fun, encompassing a series of artistic talks, screenings and shows. Below, an overview of the events sponsored by Kering's program which seeks to spotlight women in culture and the arts.

Exploring cultural engagement at Sœurs Jumelles

2021 saw Women In Motion venture to Rochefort in support of Sœurs Jumelles, the then fledgling festival which is fronted by the actor and producer Julie Gayet with Delphine Paul in charge of marketing and Eric Débègue heading up music production. Catering to both public and professional audiences, Sœurs Jumelles aims to change perceptions and achieve gender equality in the industries of music and the moving image. In this spirit, the festival strives to champion the work of women artists as well as to encourage dialogue with decision-makers and work toward greater inclusivity.

With its shared determination to further improve parity and representation in these creative professions – and culture and the arts in general –, for the third consecutive year, Women In Motion decided to renew its commitment to the festival with Talks designed to aid in the fight against women's invisibility within music-related industries.




This year, Women In Motion will sponsor the festival's special day event – "Toutes et tous à l’unisson" ("Uniting one and all") – taking place on June 27. A series of artistic talks, debates and shows will uncover the many challenges (artistic, financial, technological and societal) facing the music and moving image industries. 

What's more, on June 28, Women In Motion will extend its support to artistic talks at the Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or, featuring:
-    The author, composer, and singer, Emily Loizeau, and the journalist and filmmaker, Manon Loizeau;
-    Anne-Sophie Versnaeyen and Laetitia Pansanel-Garric, who are both film composers;
-    The actress, singer and director, Jeanne Balibar.

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About the Sœurs Jumelles festival

With its transversal approach, the “Sœurs Jumelles, Rencontre de la Musique et de l'Image” festival provides a shared space for artists of the moving image (cinema, animation, documentaries, advertising, series, videos, video games, VR, among other forms) and creators of music (classical, electronic, urban, jazz, contemporary, among other genres). To this end, Sœurs Jumelles offers a platform for discussion, information and collaboration on shared challenges.

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