ESG Performance

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ESG Performance

At Kering, we set ambitious targets and believe it is important to report on our progress and to demonstrate our commitment to transparency and accountability in our sustainability efforts. Our ESG performance is assessed by various organizations, including rating agencies and other external organizations. 

Kering is regularly recognized as a leader in its sector by the main non-financial rating agencies and rankings in recognition of its sustainability strategy and engagement. 

ESG Ratings

S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment


Kering scored 84/100 in the S&P Corporate Sustainability Assessment, raking 3rd in the « Textile, Apparel and Luxury Goods » industry (CSA score as of October 2024). 
Kering was included in the S&P DJSI World and Europe indices for the 12th consecutive year in 2024.






Kering was included in the CDP Triple A List (Climate/Water/Forests) in 2023, among 11 other companies worldwide with the following scores: CDP Climate: A ; CDP Water : A ; CDP Forests Cattle/Timber : A/A-. 






In 2024, Kering received a rating of AAA (on a scale of AAA-CCC) in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment for the fourth year in a row
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Moody’s ESG


Kering received an ESG Assessment of 75/100 from Moody’s in July 2024. Moody’s provides trusted and transparent data and perspectives across multiple areas of risk to help market participants identify opportunities and manage the continuously evolving risks of doing business.
At the same time, Kering was included in the Euronext CAC40 ESG and CAC SBT 1.5°C indices.




ISS ESG Corporate Rating

B, Prime

Since 2016, Kering has preserved its Prime status, which is awarded by ISS ESG to companies that meet ambitious ESG performance requirements. 




Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating

12,3, Low risk

In November 2024, Kering received an ESG Risk Rating of 12,3 and was assessed by Sustainalytics to be at low risk of experiencing financial impacts from ESG factors. In no event the ESG Risk Rating Overall Score and ESG Risk Rating Category shall be construed as investment advice or expert opinion as defined by the applicable legislation. The information contained or reflected herein is not directed to or intended for use or distribution to India-based clients or users and its distribution to Indian resident individuals or entities is not permitted, and Morningstar/Sustainalytics accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the actions of third parties in this respect.


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77/100, Gold medal

In July 2024, Kering has earned a Gold Medal, a recognition awarded to the Top 5% of companies assessed by EcoVadis in the 12 months prior to the medal issue date. It reflects the quality of the company's sustainability management system and demonstrates a commitment to promoting transparency throughout the value chain.


ESG Rankings & Indices

Corporate Knights Global 100 World’ Most Sustainable Corporations


Kering was included in the 2025 Corporate Knights Global 100 for the 8th consecutive year and ranked 1st in the Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods.




World Benchmarking Alliance – Nature Benchmark


Kering ranked No.1 out of 816 international companies assessed in the 2022-2024 WBA Nature Benchmark.




FTSE Diversity & Inclusion Index


In September 2024, Kering was included in the FTSE Diversity & Inclusion Index 2024 Top 100 companies, ranking companies based on a set of diversity and inclusion metrics. 




Equileap Gender Equality


Kering was included in the 2024 Equileap's Gender Equality Top 100 and ranked 22nd out of 3,795 public companies listed in 27 developed markets. Companies are ranked according to their overall gender equality score based on the 19 indicators listed in the Equileap Gender Equality Scorecard.




FTSE4Good Index


In June 2024, Kering was included in the FTSE4Good Index Series for the 10th consecutive year.

